Have Courage and Be Kind- Cinderella  Review 

After Ella’s father gets ill and dies, she does the house work, becoming the maid for her mean stepmothers and two stepsisters. Her step family gave her a new name,Cinderella, because she had cinder all over her face after she slept by the fire. Before Cinderella’s  mother had died, she had said “have courage and be kind.” She promised her mother she would, and she tried her best. Cinderella meets the prince, who she does not know that he is a prince.  Cinderella goes to the ball, and the prince dances with her like the minute she gets there. Like the classic, she loses her glass slipper ,and that is the only thing the prince has left to find her.

Came out in: 2015

Rating: PG

Motto of the movie: Have courage and be kind.

Type of movie: Drama and live action

Cast: Lily James as Cinderella, Richard Madden as Prince Charming, Cate Blanchett as the stepmother , Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother, Sophie Mcshera as Drizella and Holliday Grainger as Antastastia.

Short film of the movie: Frozen Fever

My rating: 5 out of 5

Run time: around two hours

Hands down! This is one of my favorite  movies! It’s very similar to the classic but has some twists that I will not spoil for you guys who haven’t watched it. Cinderella’s dress, which is made of silk, is beautiful and so is the coach.( I think this re-make is way better than the classic.) I don’t think they could have done the casting more perfectly,  the story or the costumes!  It even has a great lesson in the movie: Have courage and be kind. I think it’s great for people to see the movie if they grew up with the animated version!  I don’t recommend little kids watching this, because it might not hold their attention, but there’s nothing bad in it. Another awesome movie made by Disney! I love this movie and hope you enjoy as much  as I did!

9 thoughts on “Have Courage and Be Kind- Cinderella  Review 

  1. Sharon Davis says:

    I loved the new Cinderella. The acting and animation was outstanding. It was so great to hear Ella forgive her stepmother

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